Sunday, 27 November 2011

Why I don't take the kids shopping very often........

As mentioned previously we spent the first 3 years of Oliver's life in Cyprus. Now Cyprus isn't really a great country for shopping and as a result my kids didn't accompany me to the shops very often (assuming you don't count sitting next to me while I browse the UK shops online) and so they are not used to patiently standing in long queues.

When we returned to the UK I was visiting my brother and we decided to brave the shops near his home.

One of the first stops was the bank to do some address changing. I joined the queue while my brother sat at the side with the kids. I turned around at one point to see Oliver head towards the bank window so I ran over too him thinking he was going to move things from the window display. How wrong I was..... in fact he had found a switch on the wall at his height which obviously called out to him and so he switched it off. Not knowing what it was I quickly switched it back on again, and rejoined the queue clutching his hand tightly.

A few seconds later as I finally got to the front of the queue a flustered lady came into the bank to complain that the cash machine had gone blank and swallowed her bank card. It would appear that Oliver had in fact switched off the cash machine!

I did the only thing I could think of, I finished up what I was doing and exited the bank very swiftly...... Wimp? Moi? Absolutely!

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